Looking for children born in 2012 and 2013 who reside in the Vista Hills school catchment / boundary area!


Kindergarten registration is an opportunity for parents/guardians to complete and submit the appropriate registration documents as well as receive pertinent information about the Kindergarten program and upcoming opportunities to involve students and their families.


Beginning February 1, 2017, parents/guardians are invited to complete an online registration form and contact our main office  to arrange an appointment at a mutually agreed-upon time. To register on-line there will be a direct link available on our Vista Hills website home page.


Or, if you would like to register directly in person, Vista Hills will be holding our Kindergarten registration on the following dates:

Tuesday February 7 & Thursday February 9 from 9:00– 11:30 am


Tuesday February 14 & Thursday February 16 from 12:00-2:30 pm.

Please bring a copy of your child (rens) birth certificate and or their Permanent Residency Card or proof of Canadian Citizenship and a copy of a bill from home with your name and address on it.



Call our Main Office at 519-884-4411.